Tag Archives: goals
How to Perfect your 30 Second Pitch
Time is limited and valuable for everyone but especially for successful entrepreneurs and C-Suite executives so it is important to appear confident and relaxed when engaging with them. The 30 second pitch is essential to landing an account or developing valuable relationships in an effort to boost your personal brand and/or your business. Within the […]
Unemployed? Here’s what you should be doing in the Meantime
Yes, we know the job market is difficult these days, but believe it or not, people are actually getting hired; they’re just not hiring you. Why? Well employers want skilled workers – currently skilled. So how is it possible to build skill and stay relevant when you have no job? In an earlier blog, I […]
Execute Your Vision
Go after what you want with tenacity and vigor. Let nothing and no one stand in the way of your ability to execute your vision. -Mary V. Davids
Progress is Necessary for Success
As a Leader, you cannot become consumed with things that do not support progress. -Mary V. Davids
February Book Pick of the Month!
This month we picked Author of the New York Times Best Seller Emotional Intelligence, Daniel Goleman’s Primal Leadership [Kindle Edition]. In this book, Goleman argues that the best leaders are in touch with their emotions and can channel them into positive direction. Goleman is convincing and thorough in describing the power of an empathetic and self-aware leader. Here is an excerpt: “Great leaders […]
Is Entrepreneurship for You?
I often see advertisements with posts after posts of people marketing and claiming they can offer the best advice on “How to Become Your Own Boss“. Sure, on the surface, it sounds great; you can work for yourself with no boss to report to, you come and go as you please and make your own […]
Motivate to be Great!
We all need a little push here and there and it is all too often that we pour so much of our energy into those we mentor, we forget we need some encouragement ourselves. So while I am self-motivating, I will also pour into you. We have lived to see another year begin and many […]
7 Ways to Make this Year a Milestone
Make 2014 Your Best Year! Now that 2013 is behind us, it is time to reflect on our best and worst moments last year and use those experiences to make this year one that sets the bar; here’s how: Get Involved. Volunteer at a non-profit organization of your choice, contribute to help within your community […]
January Book Pick of the Month!
This month we picked Stephen R. Covey’s The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change (25th Anniversary Edition) [Kindle Edition]. In this worldwide best seller (originally written in 1989), Dr. Covey describes 7 substantial habits in such a way to directly connect with the reader while detailing every day challenges we […]