Execution – that was my 2016 word of the year. I made it my word because I had to get better at finishing things I started (when I intended on things being finished and not just because I was against a deadline).
You see, writing goals down are very easy because it requires very little physical action from you. The most challenging part about a goal is actually reaching it…because that requires something more.
Reaching your goal requires you to MOVE.
But here’s a little secret I found out on my own journey to “goal-graduation”….
I’m an expert at moving! (….and so are you!)
Every day we move people to do things we need to get done. We move our kids into eating vegetables or doing chores; our colleagues into helping finish a work project; people on the road to let us in their lane so we can reach our destinations; stores and shops to discount items or services we may need; spouses to buy us that special thing we want….etc. The list goes on and on.
We are constantly moving people to do things – to ACT on our behalf. Yet we do very little to move ourselves into action for our own personal and professional goals.
And here’s why…..
We skip one simple pre-requisite. We overlook the importance of reflecting and gaining clarity first.
I receive emails from Marie Forleo, she is an amazing entrepreneur who teaches others how to reach their goals. I subscribed to her email list because I think she’s pretty amazing.
In one email she challenged her network to ask 3 simple, yet powerful questions before the new year arrived and now I’m sharing them with you:
1. One thing you did this year that you’re proud of
2. One mistake you made and the lesson you’ve learned
3. One story you’re willing to let go of before 2017
Not only are these really good questions to ask yourself, but I’ve found great pleasure in knowing Marie and I happen to follow a similar process each year, except for one additional thing I add to that list
4. One action statement that describes what you want your next year to look like.
As I mentioned, 2016 my word was execution but it was also my statement. The word alone requires action. It requires you set a goal and see it through to the end. I am happy to say, I executed A LOT more things this year because I constantly reminded myself of this goal by reciting it each and every time I wanted to be lazy or procrastinate.
So now I want to hear yours. Write me a detailed note in the comments. Don’t be shy! It could really help someone else too!