Going to Work? Please Wipe Your Feet at the Door!

Too many times we bring our life-baggage to work. Our frustrations tend to infuse their way into our daily work-load slowly draining our positive energy, engagement and productivity. We are human and I truly believe we should make no apology for it; but we can however, choose to create an atmosphere of positivity and energetic behavior to get the most out of our workday. Here’s how:

Take back control!

Before you go into work take at least one-minute to decompress before you walk through that door. Even if you are running late, stop and take a moment for youbecause that small moment can either make or break your entire day. It’s worth it and you’re worth it. Think of it as your gift to you. It’s your moment of peace, your chance to collect your thoughts and move towards the future. You deserve it! You need it and you should own it.

Imagine rushing all morning, frustrated because nothing is going your way and then rushing into work just to hear someone sarcastically say “Glad you could join us.” or overhearing colleagues make a snide comment about your tardiness. Taking that minute not only prepares you to face the day; it allows you to take back control over the day and all events forthcoming. In that minute you will have made a choice – a choice to either prepare for the challenges ahead or allow them to consume your thoughts, mold your behavior and control your emotions in a negative way.

Start fresh.

Each day is a new opportunity to become a greater you. Think of every day as a new beginning and an opportunity to leave yesterday’s mistakes behind. Don’t allow the negative events from yesterday or even moments before work to consume your thoughts, preventing you from moving forward. Studies show people having positive mind-sets at work make them more creative, productive and engaged. Here’s your chance to have a “do-over” so take it!

Fix it.

This is the hardest step for many of my clients. Let’s face it, when you’ve experienced conflict in your personal or professional life, making the choice to turn things around for the better is not your first instinct. But solving a problem at work will help you to lessen those stressors. Try going into work with an attitude of change. Be the solution, not the problem. It’s easy to point the finger and deflect attention away from you when you are having conflict either in your personal life or within the workplace. Instead turn that natural reaction off and turn the problem-solver attitude on. When you play a role in making something better, you feel better and those around you will pick up on your positive attitude, creating a healthy work environment.

So the next time you face your workplace entry, take a moment to yourself. Leave your baggage behind and enter prepared, renewed and more powerful than before.

You can either run the day or let the day run you!

**This post was originally shared on LinkedIn. See it here

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